Narratives of Hope in Your SEL Toolbox
We all know the language of teachers possesses the power to inspire or injure, to heal or humiliate. Language sets the academic and emotional climate of the room. The greater awareness of the relationship between language of the teacher and positive learning outcomes, the greater chance we have of getting the climate just right. So, we have to ask ourselves: “Does my language optimize learning, achievement, relationships and emotional intelligence?”
Learned Optimism
Imagine the difference between spending time stressing about whether or not a teammate will meet the deadline, versus sending them a note to that says 'you got this, looking forward to seeing the final product!' From a core of #optimism, behaviors and interactions shape themselves
5 Keys to a Successful Gratitude Practice
The busy college professor, high-powered CEO, and parent of four can all find a few minutes to practice gratitude. It’s true. And if you don’t feel like you have five minutes to spare, then you are EXACTLY the right person for this article. Your mental wellness is at stake.